Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First blog and Vacation plans for the summer.

So this is the first blog i have written. I'm not really sure how this will go but I'm going to give it a try. Summer is quickly approaching and it's time to make plans. I was planning on a quick trip to Vegas in April but that was put on hold due to a good friend who just couldn't get the time off work. He decided he wanted to burn himself while working on his car at home. Ok it was a accident but i won't be going to Vegas in April

So now I'm planning a trip to Minnesota this summer to catch the NHRA drag races out there. Will be staying with some friends who live close to the track. Having never visited Minnesota I'm really looking forward to this part of my trip. After my few days in Minnesota I'm heading to Vegas for two or three days. Nothing big planned but just want to visit Sin City before i head over to So-Cal. Once I'm done in Vegas I'll fly over to Los Angeles. Plan on spending about a week between Los Angeles and Del Mar. I'm also looking for to this part of the trip. Del Mar has become my favorite place to visit in the summer. Nothing like sitting at the Horse track with a great breeze and view of the ocean. I just love it down there. I wish i could afford to live there.

I'll be gone for almost two weeks. I have not taken a two week vacation in a couple years. Last time i did something like this it was a blast. That's it for now i hope i can make this a regular deal.

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About Me

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bothell, Wa, United States
35 year old male. enjoy horse racing, auto racing, hockey and Vegas.