Monday, August 4, 2008

baseball baseball and more baseball

Looks like I'll see three Major league games in the next 10 days in three different state. I was invited to sit in a suite tomorrow night for the Mariners and Twins game. Then on Monday the 11Th I'm going to see the twins and Yankee's game at the metrodome. Just a few days later I'll be watching the Dodgers and the Phillies player each other in Los Angeles. The last game I'm really hoping Jamie moyer is pitching. I really do miss watching him play. It's been over a year since i was at a Mariners game. They played the White Sox and won. It was a day game and a pretty cold one at that.

This is Ichiro's first at bat of the day. A couple of things i remember is that there were two really huge Ichiro fans right in front of me. they would go crazy when he came to bat. They had signs and would make all kinds of noise. They also had those disgusting garlic fries man those stink.Also there was this lady who would keep yelling out hey BIG SEXY every freaking time Richie Sexson came to bat. It was funny the first time then got really old the rest of the game.

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bothell, Wa, United States
35 year old male. enjoy horse racing, auto racing, hockey and Vegas.